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Customization buffers

Todays Emacs has a built in customization feature called customization buffers. Customization buffers allow you to set package settings in a user friendly environment with information about the settings you are able to change.
Especially for people new to Emacs this is a very convinient way to customize Emacs. All packages of the standard distribution of Emacs and most of the additional packages have support for the customization buffers build in, even if not all of their customization might be done this way.

cc-mode is an example for such a package. Although a lot of customizing can be done via the buffer, there are things you have to put in your .emacs manually. Setting up a personal style for indenting is one of these points.

Customize handles the information which is set through the use of the buffers with the help of a set of special lists which begin with custom-set.

 '(kill-ring-max 70)
 '(user-full-name "Ingo Koch"))

 '(font-lock-comment-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "red"))))
 '(font-lock-string-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "green4"))))
 '(font-lock-keyword-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "blue"))))
 '(font-lock-type-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "blue"))))
 '(font-lock-variable-name-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "brown"))))
 '(font-lock-function-name-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "blue")))))
These lists are placed in your .emacs by default and are read on startup to apply the appropriate changes to the packages.

This works great, so where is the problem ?

Problems that might occur

Dave Love and Kai Großjohan have told me not to encourage people to copy and paste custom-set-... statements from the dotfiles of other people into their own one.

"Emacs does, so why shouldn't I do the same" you might ask.

Well, here's the answer:

Anything might work if you do cut and paste, but it is possible to do it a way so that it won't work as expected.

Kai Großjohan writes this about the problem:
Please do not advise people to copy and paste custom-set-variables statements into their .emacs file. All too easily, this leads to them having more than one custom-set-variables statement in their .emacs file, and down that path lies madness.

People have asked where is the problem with having more than one custom-set-variables statement in the .emacs file. Here's what happens: suppose you have the following:

(custom-set-variables '(foo 42) '(bar 23))
(custom-set-variables '(foo 4711))
After starting Emacs, foo will have the value 4711, because both statements are executed and the last one `wins'.

Then, suppose you type M-x customize-variable RET foo RET and change the value of foo to, say, 1. Then, you select `save for future sessions' and you end up with the following .emacs file:

(custom-set-variables '(foo 1) '(bar 23))
(custom-set-variables '(foo 4711))
Customize only changes the first custom-set-variables statement. Of course, after starting Emacs, foo will have the value 4711. Imagine the surprise of the user who things that Customize isn't working!

Imagine also that the user now uses Customize to set a new variable, quux. This works fine:

(custom-set-variables '(foo 1) '(bar 23) '(quux t))
(custom-set-variables '(foo 4711))
.... since the second statement isn't overwriting the quux value from the first statement. Imagine the even greater surprise of the user who now thinks that Customize is working for some variables, but not for others!

Lesson learned: never have more than one custom-set-variables statement in your ~/.emacs file, for down that path lies madness!

Thanks to Kai for this explanation.

How to avoid these problems

First of all, custom-set is reserved for the use through the customize package. The best way to avoid any trouble is to keep your hands off. If you want to use customizations of other people which only are available via a custom set statement, use the appropriate customization buffer for setting it or think about translating it into a setq statement.

The second best way (if you know what you're doing) is to take a look at your dotfile and locate the custom-set section. If you really want to do a cut and paste, paste it there. Be sure that what you pasted is the only entry for this variable.
Again: never have more than one custom-set-variables statement in your ~/.emacs file

There is a way to get the custom-set statements out of your .emacs into a separate file:

(setq custom-file "~/.mycustom")
(load custom-file)
This will use a file named .mycustom in your home directory for all the custom-set entries. The file has to be there already, even if it is empty, because otherwise Emacs will complain about not beeing able to open it.

If you already have custom-set-... statements in your .emacs, you must remove them, because custom won't do that for you. Simply cut them out and paste them as the base into the separate custom file. If you don't remove them, the problems still might occur. Separating the custom-set statements doesn't solve the problem of custom reading all, writing to the first and evaluating the last entry for a variable.

The drawback of this is, that it might scramble up your well organized .emacs file :)
I like to group all settings concerning a particular package together in one section. Doing anything concerning the setup of a package via customization buffers throws these settings out of my .emacs and into .mycustom. This way I have to take a look at two places and I'm not sure about who is winning the race if I do different customization via customization buffers and setq statements.

To be checked and continued ...

custom and setq statements

Having checked this, I now know who will win the race, but this will make the things even more complicated.

The same thing as for two ore more custom-set-variable statements applies to the combination of custom-set and setq. But there is an important difference !
Although custom evaluates the second entry for a variable, it writes this value to the first custom-set-variables statement if you change something else. This way, you've got a chance to see that there might be more than one statement modifying the variable.

This doesn't happen for setq statements. What happens is:

Supose you have the custom-set-variables statement at the top of your .emacs and all the setq statements following it.

  1. Custom loads the custom-set-variables statement. It sets all variables within this statement to the required values.
  2. Emacs reads the rest of the .emacs, applying all setq statements to the variables, thus overwriting the changes done by custom.
  3. You open the customization buffer for this variable. Custom tells you that this var was changed outside the buffer. Ok, you think, I'd like have an other value.
  4. You change it and save the changes for future sessions. The change you've made is recorded in the custom-set-variables statements. The var which is set via the setq statement is included. Works as expected.
  5. Next time you start Emacs the var has still the value which was set via the setq statement. Where is the customization ?
Supose you have the custom-set-variables statement at the end of your .emacs.
  1. Emacs reads your .emacs, applying all setq statements to the variables.
  2. Custom loads the custom-set-variables statement. It sets all variables within this statement to the required values. This overwrites all your setq statements for the variables set via custom-set-variables.
  3. You open the customization buffer for this variable. Custom shows you the customization via the customset-variables statement.
  4. Well, you think, I'd like to have an other value. You change it and save the changes for future sessions. The change you've made is recorded in the custom-set-variables statements.
  5. All works fine. Some day you decide to change this var again. You do a search for that var to set it in your .emacs.
    You get the setq statement and change it.
  6. Next time you start Emacs the var has still the value which was set via custom. Where is the setq statement ?
These examples are some kind of constructed, but they show what might happen.

My advise to avoid all these problems is:

Be sure that you know what you do.
If you ever cut out and paste a piece of code from an other .emacs file or even write something on your own, be aware of might happen if you customize a variable twice. It doesn't matter if you use multiple custom-set or setq statements for one variable or combinations of these, the results always might be odd.
If you include parts of other .emacs files, check out wether anything which is set there may influence your current setup.

You're left alone with mixing custom and setq.

The good news

The behaviour of custom due to more than one custom-set-... statement will be changed in Emacs 21.xx. I've been told that
> Multiple calls to custom-set-variables should work in Emacs 21;
> if you customize, all the variables go into the first one,
> and the rest are deleted.
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Emacs community logo by Daniel Lundin Last updated on Sat Jan 22 14:57:03 2005 by Ingo Koch