TO DO: Future plans, where I can use your help.
Update JDEE support.
Add Bug report system.
Improve C/C++ support.
Extend web search beyond EmacsWiki.
More internationalization, including translations of readme.txt
I could also use foreign language volunteers, such as Chinese testing.
Switch to easy-menu for portability.
Free up menu space with popup menus
(define-key global-map [M-S-down-mouse-3] 'imenu) ;gnu syntax
Package EMacro as an rpm and deb.
How do I package a .dmg Mac OS X install image?
Since Apple has pulled support for Classic OS 9, don't expect new EMacro
support for OS 9, unless the community pitches in.
What is the free software way to do MS Windows installers?
Does EMacro as a common site-start.el make sense?